Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the life of riding!


- woke up, went biking....

Yea, thats pretty much it. It felt awesomely great though. I spent the entire day biking all throughout the great city of Pleasanton! :) heee. I biked through main street, beautiful and lots of pretty underage girls boo! :( they need to be older! anyways, went to Borders, read a little about diet and exercise, did some studying. went in to Sports Challet checked out some new volleyballs! thinking about buying a nice one to use at my open gyms. Yea, anyways, i bought some lights to put on my bike so i could ride at night. :DDD. Maybe one of the best days ive had in a while! heee :)

- Fill Out!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is why You are Fat!

I was talking to my brother yesterday and he sent me a link to this site that shows a lot of ridiculously fatty foods that people eat.. enjoy!


i would post the pics, but the pictures just dont do it justice!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lets Ride!

So last week, i went to Emeryville and took a look at a road bike. My brothers are both really in to biking and so i decided to join on the trend! I bought it. It turns out it was an excellent buy. a close to $600 dollar bike, nearly mint condition for $360! awesome i saved $240! :)
Its a 2003 Giant OCR3. Yes, its beautiful! So far i've only ridden it 4 times, but hopefully it becomes a part of my regular work out. Running and biking. That reminds me, i havent been running in a week. Heh, spring break! But now its over and i'm not so free to eat whatever i want and do what ever i want. Man, i think i may be spoiling myself. After the firs 4 times riding, my butt is so unbelievably sore! well the part in between my guch and my butthole! dont know what its called, but it hurts, i have to walk sideways when i get off after a long ride. :(

anyways, must get back to real life! studying and exercising!

- fill

Friday, April 10, 2009


I dont know this feeling very well. I guess you could say, i hardly ever feel this emotion anymore. Sometimes i really wish that i could just unleash all my anger and rage for the past i dunno years and feel this immense release of tension.

But i entitle this chapter anger, because i really felt angry Tuesday. and i never, i mean never get angry. I get angry as often as seeing a meteor in the sky. The past 8 years of my life, i've devoted myself to one of only a few things, My Profession, My Family, and Church. Out of these 3, i would say that Church is the one i most am devoted to. But for some reason as i've been of service to this organization, if i want to voice my opinion, i immediately get shut down and am rejected forever. During the 2 1/2 hr meeting, i spoke for 5 min. 4min and 45 sec i was reporting my division of church. the other 15, i was suggesting a better way for us to better serve our community, It took 15 secs for them to cut me off, shut me up and never talk about it again! WT....Freak! I mean i understand that I may still be looked as a child to these 30, maybe 40+ adults, but damn it, show me some respect for what i've done the past 8 years! How hard is it to ask for you to just listen to my opinion. Im not even asking for you to agree with me, i just want to be heard. i never thought that i would ever dislike a part of church, but church politics sucks ass! Its things like this that really make me want to quit, then there'll be no one to take my place and our church youth will fall apart, and the kids will suffer. And i cant do that can I! I wonder if my predecessors went through this and came to the same conclusion. Well, this is me venting.

- fill wants to release all his hidden anger.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Prescription of Happiness : Take when symptoms of "Joy" are gone

Its already April, Spring is in full bloom, only it keeps raining.

Lately I've been feeling a lot of burden on my life. I'm not sure how this all came to be, but it suddenly hit me that i live my life filling the expectations of others. I dont know if Life is supposed to be like this, but i dont like it at all.

My understanding of how society works is, people cant live without other people, its just not human nature, we're very social creatures. We thrive on being with others, building relationships of all sorts. Nowadays, people thrive of the fight to survive and become a success. And this has now a high value in our lives. We are measured by how successful we are and how long we can keep that success. A perfect example of this is the Ipod. Yea, and ipod. Its a total status symbol. I am socially acceptable and somewhat well off because i have an ipod. Its the same with all products. People mistake these status empowering products as fads and fashion statements, but its really saying, look at me, im rich. I think we've lost all the happiness that we hold in our lives. How often have you hiked up a mountain and just enjoyed the view? When was the last time you enjoyed the scent of a flower? When was the last time you laughed so hard you couldnt breathe? When was the last time you just spent some time not being busy? When was the last time you just closed your eyes to a song and just let your mind and soul feel the beat?

These things all increase happiness. They help us relax and just enjoy life so much more. Why can't we do this everyday? There is no reason, only that we choose not to. Its so sad, It could be one hour, 5 min, even a min of your time and you could be in a totally different place!

Back to my original point though, I busy myself with all these expectations, that i dont have the time to enjoy my life. From this moment on, i promise to myself to be happier!

- fill out~!

Last Run : 12:00 "still haven't broke the 10 min mark!"
Girl : What Girl? Be more proactive Fill!!